Markhaev Viacheslav Mikhailovich

Declarator index


Date of birth:

June 1, 1955

ITN ░░░░░░░░░░░░

Sanctioned by: United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, France.

Больше о работе должностного лица в Совете Федерации и его участии в группах влияния на ДумаБинго — ресурсе о лоббизме в российском парламенте.
Дополнительную информацию об этой персоне можно получить в базе данных о публичных должностных лицах России

В браке — по данным деклараций 2011-2019, 2021.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Кандидат в депутаты регионального законодательного собрания
Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
7 041 631 rub.
1 736 m2
0 items
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Депутат государственной думы, член комитета
Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
2 353 498 rub.
3 839 m2
0 items
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a member of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Irkutsk region is the representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Executive body of state power of the Irkutsk region
See details
6 217 541 rub.
3 849 m2
0 items
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The Federation Council member from Irkutsk region
See details
5 562 585 rub.
3 237 m2
0 items
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the Federation Council member from Irkutsk region
See details
5 313 950 rub.
3 237 m2
0 items
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The Federation Council member from Irkutsk region
See details
5 267 023 rub.
3 237 m2
0 items
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See details
5 165 537 rub.
1 179 m2
1 items
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Markhaev Viacheslav Mikhailovich (380), possible duplicate.
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The Federation Council member from Irkutsk region
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5 350 795 rub.
3 282 m2
0 items
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Member of the State Duma Committee
Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
4 478 539 rub.
2 947 m2
0 items
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Member of the state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption
Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
3 043 976 rub.
2 947 m2
0 items
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State Duma Deputy elected on a Federal list of candidates nominated by Political party "Communist party of the Russian Federation"
Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
2 366 739 rub.
2 494 m2
0 items
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Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
670 000 rub.
2 494 m2
0 items
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Affiliation: Communist Party of the Russian Federation
See details
623 488 rub.
1 979 m2
0 items
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