Kriuk Vasilii Nikolaevich

Declarator index


Информация о супруге исчезла из декларации в 2015 году — вероятно, брак прекращен.

Несовершеннолетний ребенок (дети) — по данным деклараций 2016-2017, 2019-2021.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Депутат законодательного собрания ЯНАО
Affiliation: United Russia
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49 075 736 rub.
214 690 880 m2
0 items
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Депутат законодательного собрания ЯНАО
Affiliation: United Russia
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86 920 302 rub.
237 342 484 m2
0 items
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The Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district
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19 682 387 rub.
285 870 222 m2
0 items
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Member of the legislative Assembly YANAO
Affiliation: United Russia
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17 185 616 rub.
331 585 435 m2
0 items
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The Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district
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52 123 354 rub.
1 247 487 267 m2
0 items
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The Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district
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20 305 815 rub.
22 971 003 160 m2
0 items
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The Deputy of legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district of the sixth convocation
Affiliation: United Russia
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32 511 642 rub.
22 971 003 160 m2
0 items
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The Deputy of legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district of the fifth convocation
Affiliation: United Russia
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17 649 121 rub.
43 416 m2
1 items
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