Izutin Viktor Vasilevich

Declarator index


В браке — по данным деклараций 2014-2017.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Заместитель начальника Департамента делопроизводства и работы с обращениями граждан и организаций МВД России – начальник управления по защите государтвенной тайны
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2 495 400 rub.
1 500 m2
0 items
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Deputy head of the Department and work with citizens and organizations
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2 394 941 rub.
1 500 m2
1 items
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Izutin Viktor Vasilevich (30619), possible duplicate.
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Deputy head of the Department and work with citizens and organizations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia – the chief of Department on protection of state secrets
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2 748 300 rub.
1 500 m2
1 items
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Deputy head of the Department and work with citizens and organizations – the chief of Department on protection of state secrets
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2 748 300 rub.
1 500 m2
1 items
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