Suntcov Igor Pavlovich

Declarator index


Информация о супруге исчезла из декларации в 2019 году — вероятно, брак прекращен.

Несовершеннолетний ребенок (дети) — по данным деклараций 2016-2019.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Deputy head of Department – head of the center licenses and permits of Department of Federal service of national guard troops across the Kirov region.
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1 305 252 rub.
255 m2
1 items
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Deputy head of Department – head of the center licenses and permits of Department of Federal service of national guard troops across the Kirov region.
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1 376 724 rub.
327 m2
0 items
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Suntcov Igor Pavlovich (67347), possible duplicate.
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Deputy head of Regardie in the Kirov region – the head of the center licenses and permits of
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2 116 160 rub.
327 m2
0 items
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Заместитель начальника Управления Росгвардии по Кировской области - начальник ЦЛРР
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1 333 168 rub.
1 500 m2
0 items
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