Baranov Igor Nikolaevich

Declarator index


Date of birth:

Nov. 21, 1972

ITN ░░░░░░░░░░░░

В браке — по данным деклараций 2016-2017, 2019-2020.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Начальник Управления Федеральной службы войск национальной гвардии Российской Федерации по Орловской области
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1 414 606 rub.
167 m2
1 items
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Head of management of Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation across the Oryol region.
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1 151 530 rub.
167 m2
1 items
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Deputy head of Regardie in the Bryansk region (for material and technical support)
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1 087 601 rub.
167 m2
1 items
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Deputy head of Regardie in the Bryansk region (at the MTO)
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934 030 rub.
165 m2
1 items
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Baranov Igor Nikolaevich (67025), possible duplicate.
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