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Deviataev Fedor Pavlovich

Declarator index


В браке — по данным деклараций 2013-2018.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
The head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia across the Ulyanovsk region
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1 277 102 rub.
59 030 m2
2 items
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The head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia across the Ulyanovsk region
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1 095 443 rub.
59 030 m2
2 items
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The head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia on Republic Mordovia
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1 389 121 rub.
59 030 m2
2 items
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The head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia on Republic Mordovia
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4 415 568 rub.
59 073 m2
2 items
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The head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia on Republic Mordovia
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786 117 rub.
2 491 m2
2 items
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The head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia on Republic Mordovia
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610 711 rub.
2 493 m2
2 items
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