Biiazirova A M

Declarator index


Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
chief accountant (ФГУП УС СКФО ФСИН России )
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1 022 762 rub.
3 973 m2
1 items
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the chief accountant of the FSUE US the North Caucasus Federal district of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia
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976 677 rub.
3 973 m2
2 items
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Biiazirova A M (50712), possible duplicate.
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Biiazirova A M (50712), possible duplicate.
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the chief accountant of the FSUE US the North Caucasus Federal district of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia
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759 757 rub.
3 973 m2
2 items
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Biiazirova A M (50712), possible duplicate.
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the chief accountant of the FSUE US the North Caucasus Federal district of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia
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449 172 rub.
3 973 m2
2 items
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Biiazirova A M (50712), possible duplicate.
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