Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich

Declarator index


Несовершеннолетний ребенок (дети) — по данным деклараций 2014-2020.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
заместитель начальника (ФКУ ЛИУ-42 ГУФСИН России по Кемеровской области - Кузбассу )
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1 218 310 rub.
787 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Deputy chief (ФКУ ЛИУ-42 ГУФСИН России по Кемеровской области - Кузбассу )
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1 187 011 rub.
778 m2
1 items
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Deputy chief (ФКУ ЛИУ-42 ГУФСИН России по Кемеровской области - Кузбассу )
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2 182 155 rub.
28 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Deputy chief (ФКУ ЛИУ-42 ГУФСИН России по Кемеровской области )
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1 186 031 rub.
28 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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the Deputy chief of fku LIU-42 GUFSIN of Russia across the Kemerovo region
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1 179 550 rub.
28 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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the Deputy chief of fku LIU-42 GUFSIN of Russia across the Kemerovo region
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1 129 989 rub.
28 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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the Deputy chief of fku LIU-42
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932 869 rub.
28 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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the Deputy chief of fku LIU-42
See details
1 337 745 rub.
28 m2
1 items
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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Nechitailo Mikhail Sergeevich (37779), possible duplicate.
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