Ostrovskii Anatolii Bentcianovich

Declarator index


Date of birth:

Feb. 18, 1940

В браке — по данным деклараций 2010-2013.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
председатель регламентной группы Законодательной Думы Хабаровского края
Affiliation: United Russia
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2 464 450 rub.
1 301 m2
1 items
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The Chairman of the regulatory group of the Legislative Duma of Khabarovsky Krai
Affiliation: United Russia
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2 257 559 rub.
1 283 m2
1 items
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The Chairman of the regulatory group of the Legislative Duma of Khabarovsky Krai
Affiliation: United Russia
See details
2 129 585 rub.
1 283 m2
1 items
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The Chairman of the regulatory group of the Legislative Duma of Khabarovsky Krai
Affiliation: United Russia
See details
2 339 566 rub.
2 483 m2
1 items
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