Cheburin Denis Andreevich

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Deputy head of Department on support staff – the chief of Bureau of implementation of social programs of OJSC "SinTZ", the Deputy of the city Council of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky
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3 529 629 rub.
53 m2
0 items
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Cheburin Denis Andreevich (136409), possible duplicate.
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Заместитель начальника отдела сопровождения персонала – начальник бюро реализации социальных программ ПА «СинТЗ», депутат Думы города Каменска- Уральского
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1 072 772 rub.
53 m2
0 items
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Cheburin Denis Andreevich (136409), possible duplicate.
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