Karasin Grigorii Borisovich

Declarator index


Date of birth:

Aug. 23, 1949

Sanctioned by: United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, Australia, Monaco, United States, France, New Zealand.

Данные о работе персоны сенатором в Совете Федерации доступны на ресурсе о лоббистах ДумаБинго.

В браке — по данным деклараций 2011-2021.

Declaration, status, office Income, rub. Real estate, m2 Transport, qty.
Сенатор Российской Федерации - представитель в Совете Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации от исполнительного органа государственной власти Сахалинской области
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6 170 226 rub.
8 945 m2
0 items
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Member of the Federation Council of the Sakhalin region
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6 208 157 rub.
8 774 m2
0 items
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a member of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Sakhalin region is the representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Executive body of the state authorities of the Sakhalin region
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13 674 547 rub.
8 945 m2
0 items
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State Secretary, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs
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8 037 478 rub.
8 774 m2
0 items
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State Secretary, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs
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8 111 866 rub.
8 774 m2
0 items
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State Secretary, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs
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8 074 509 rub.
10 288 m2
0 items
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State Secretary, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs
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8 113 321 rub.
9 931 m2
0 items
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Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs
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6 516 733 rub.
9 931 m2
1 items
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Статс-секретарь, заместитель Министра иностранных дел России
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4 557 933 rub.
9 931 m2
1 items
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Статс-секретарь, заместитель Министра иностранных дел России
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2 875 455 rub.
10 017 m2
1 items
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Статс-секретарь, заместитель Министра иностранных дел России
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2 692 306 rub.
8 417 m2
1 items
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