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Места учебы: Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow Law Institute
В браке — по данным деклараций 2011-2012.
Декларация, статус, учреждение | Доход, руб. | Недвижимость, м2 | Транспорт, шт. | ||
member of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of Smolensk region - the representative in Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the legislative (representative) body of state power in Smolensk region
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3 478 905 руб.
47 683 м2.
0 шт.
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member of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of Smolensk region - the representative in Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the legislative (representative) body of state power in Smolensk region
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4 119 326 руб.
47 683 м2.
0 шт.
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the Governor of the Smolensk region
Партия: United Russia
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177 796 руб.
2 042 м2.
0 шт.
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